Diversity ~ Equality ~ Individuality


Toddler program providing care for children 18 months to 2.5 years old

"You're off to great PLACES, today is YOUR day.  Your MOUNTAIN is waiting...
so get on YOUR WAY!
- Dr. Seuss

The dynamic Toddler Program at Aurora Early Learning Centre is available for children as young as 18 months to 2.5 years old.  With their curious, energetic and inquisitive characteristics, this program ensures that our Toddlers are provided with the best possible environment.

Our qualified educators design and implement a program that fosters the love of learning, exploration and curiosity.  Planned experiences and learning objectives are reflective of Ontario's Pedagogy How Does Learning Happen? and The E.L.E.C.T.  (Early Learning for Every Child Today)ensuring that our little ones receive the support they need to achieve their individual milestones in all developmental domains including Social, Emotional, Communication, Cognitive and Physical. 

Children's interests as taken highly into consideration when designing the program and truly celebrates their curiosity by integrating all developmental domains within their inquiries.  This helps to create more meaningful learning experiences that are child directed and educator faciliated.  Our classroom is equipped with developmentally appropriate materials and manipulatives to stimulate and encourage growth in all aspects of learning.  Sign Language is also implemented to allow toddlers to communicate emotions, desires and objects as a precurser to spoken language development.  

Our language enriched environment surrounds our little ones with print materials, literature and music to promote effective communication skills.  Toddlers will be presented with opportunities to engange in experiences that promote exploration using all of their senses.  Art is an integral part of our program, as it serves as an outlet of personal expression and communication.  

Sense of self and well-being is a critical part of development in the early years.  With guidance from our educators, independence is highly encouraged during meal time and dressing.  Our toddlers develop significant skills as they perform these daily tasks such as feeding themselves and putting on their jacket.  As signs of readiness emerge, our educators guide our toddlers on the journey of toilet training, in partnership with families at home.  We understand that a positive and open relationship with families is crucial to the success and development of a child.  Our families are always encouraged to share any information about their child at drop off in order to create a seamless home to daycare transition.  
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